Chapter 1

Isaac Hanson, a smart, witty, sophisticated, charming 16 yr. old was sitting in his room in his large home in Tulsa, OK. His little brother, Zac, was sitting in their living room watching another repeat of, "The Simpsons." His other brother, Taylor, was outside roller-blading in their spacious yard. Sitting cross-legged on the top bunk of the bunk bed he shared with his somewhat shy 14 yr. old brother, Tay, he picked up his trusty 6 string and started to fool around. He reached over for a pencil and paper that was on his comfy mattress and started to write how he was feeling at the moment. Frustrated with what he wrote, he crumpled up the piece of paper and closed his eyes as he leaned his body against the wall next to his bed.

"Ike, baby, what's the matter?" His mother, Diana, said as she walked into his room carrying his youngest brother, Mac, on her hip.

"Mom, how come Tay and Zac get all the attention?" Ike said as he opened his hazel eyes to hold Mac on his lap.

"Uh oh! Are we getting a little case of jealousy?" His mom said as she sat down next to him.

"I don't know? I hope not! It's just that Tay gets all the attention 'cause girls think he's cute. Zac also gets all the attention by being wacky; but me? I'm not like them, so therefore, I'm left in the dark." He said as he stroked his brother's hair.

"Well, honey, you've got to consider who you're dealing with! Most of your fans are 13 yr. olds! That's why they fall for Taylor! Others are younger, so they tend to fall for Zac! But, the few that are your age, do tend to like you! It's just that there are so few of them, that you tend to not notice." His mother said gently, making him feel appreciated.

"I guess I didn't realize it from that point of view! But, it seems to me that all the girls that like me is because I'm famous and for my looks! I don't feel that they like me for who I am!" Ike said pouring out his problems to his mom.

"Well, that may be the case! But, you've got to keep in mind that not every fan you meet is going to be little Ms. Right! But, you'll find her someday, I promise!" She said as she kissed Ike on the cheek and gave him a hug. "Anyway, round up your brothers so that we can eat dinner!"

"Hey, Zac, you wanna come with me to get Tay for dinner?" Ike said as he walked into the living room.

"Sure!" Zac said as he turned off the tube and jumped up to follow his older brother. They both walked outside onto their front porch and the warm sun rays beat down on them. Tay was doing awesome 360s, but didn't see them since he was focusing on how to make use of other stunts that he was learning.

"Hey, I've got an idea, let's surprise him!" Ike said after he put on his sunglasses and pulled his hair back into a ponytail. "Yeah! Wait a minute, how are we gonna surprise him?" Zac said looking at his older brother who was his best friend.

"Hey, I know; I'll walk with you and then you can call Tay's name and I'll trip. I'll pretend that I'm hurt really bad and you run up to Tay and tell him to come help me. Then, as soon as he's right by me, I'll grab him and scare him!" Ike said with a grin on his face.

"Yeah, that sounds great! Wow! This is gonna be sssssssoooooo cool!" Zac said as he gave Ike a high-five and rubbed his hands together like a mad scientist. They walked towards where Tay was skating, and Ike gave him the signal.

"Hey, TAY! C'mon, dinner's ready!" Zac said as he walked faster towards Tay as Ike told him to. Tay turned around and was about to finish a stunt that he was about to do, but saw Ike trip and fall flat on his face. Tay just froze and had his mouth wide open. Zac just looked at Tay and then turned around to see Isaac's body laying in the grass; so far, half of their plan was in effect!

"Ike are you okay?" Tay said as he raced on his skates to help his brother, not knowing that he was falling into their little trap.

"Ike, speak to me!" Tay said as he knelt down to gently pick up Ike's face. Zac was right behind Tay waiting for the right moment to scare Tay. Tay picked up Ike's face seeing that it had a few marks of dirt on it. Ike had his eyes closed and made Tay believe that he was really hurt. "Ike, c'mon, snap out of it!" Tay said as he gently slapped his face. Tay then put Ike's face back on the grass and turned around to speak to Zac. Ike slowly opened his eyes and saw that Tay's back was to him. He slowly reached out his hand and grabbed Tay's leg, pulling it towards him which made Tay fall on his face. Surprised at what happened, Tay looked up and saw Zac laughing on the grass, pointing his fingers at him. Outraged at the mean trick the two played on him, he got up, but not before Ike had him in a slight head-lock. Ike tugged at Tay and in a second, they were on the grass both wrestling each other playfully.

"Boys, it's time to eat!" Diana called out as she saw the havoc that Ike and Zac had created. Jessica and Avery, their two sisters, came running out and joined in on wrestling with their brothers. Ike had finished battling with Tay and picked up Jessica and Avery and threw them over his shoulder as the girls squealed.

"And, once again, the famous Ike-The-Spike has won another golden belt in the WCW wrestling championships. Ike, what do you have to say?" Zac said pretending that he had a microphone in his hand.

"Well, I couldn't have done it without my fans! Thank you, no really, thank you!" Ike said as he played along with Zac's wackiness, still having Jessica and Avery slung over his broad shoulders.

"What do your competitors have to say?" Zac said as Ike shrugged and turned his back towards Zac so that his two younger sisters would face Zac.

"Put us down!" Jessica, the 8 yr. old, shrieked. Ike laughed and Tay went over and tickled both of his sisters.

"I'm sorry, Zac. My mommy has called me. I have to eat dinner. Until next time!" Ike said as he turned to face Zac and then turned around again to walk to their house. After all of them had washed up, they sat down at their spacious table in the dining room. Their plates were filled with steaming macaroni and cheese and some baked fish. Walker, the Hanson's father, folded his hands as did the others while he prayed. After he finished, they lifted up their heads.

"Hey, guys, are you ready?" Zac said directing his question towards Ike and Tay with a huge grin on his face.

"Sure!" Echoed Ike and Tay simultaneously.

"AAAAMMMMEEEENNNN!" They sang in wonderful harmony. Mackenzie clapped his hands and smiled with delight. Each of the Hanson dug hungrily into their delicious food and discussed what happened in their day. Before they knew it, they were done and Ike, Tay and Zac helped clear off their plates from the dinner table.



Chapter Two

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