Chapter 4

Britt and Eliza were sitting on Eliza's double-sized mattress talking about their most-talked about topic: Hanson! They were both sitting cross-legged opposite from each other with the magazine in between them. Their eyes were glued to the face of Ike Hanson. His smile that was painted on the colorful centerfold hypnotized them as their minds wandered on what it would be like to meet them in real life.

"Wow, wouldn't it be SO great if we really got to see them?!" Eliza said as she stared at the tons of posters that were posted to her bedroom walls.

"THAT would be very cool!" Britt cooed dreamily. Her eyes wondered around the room and then drifted back to the article with the dreamy pic. of the Hanson trio. "Wait a minute! What's this about?" Britt said as she picked up the mag. and speedily read info. of Hanson that the duo had missed.

"What? Let me see!" Eliza said as she snapped out of her trance and scooted next to Britt to see what info. she was devouring.

"Oh, my goodness! I can't believe it!" Britt mouthed out. She was driving Eliza insane since Eliza had no clue of what her best friend was saying.

"What are you looking at?" Eliza screamed. Britt looked up with a surprised look on her face from Eliza's outburst. "Sorry!" Eliza blushed.

"That's okay! I'm sorry that I didn't tell you! Just read this article." Britt said as she handed the mag. to her and pointed her skinny finger to what she had read moments before. Eliza's eyes scanned over the info. and when she finally finished, she looked up at Britt and shook her head in disbelief. She opened her mouth, but nothing came out.

"It's true!" Britt reassured her.

"Pinch me!" Eliza barely said. Britt did and Eliza yelped. "Ow! Oh my goodness; it is true!" Eliza said as she looked back and forth between Britt and the magazine.



Chapter 5 (part of it)

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