Chapter 8

The Hanson abode was filled with whispers of good-night's to the 3 adorable younger siblings. Each kiss was delicately planted on the rosy cheecks of Jessie, Avie, and Mac. The light switch was turned off and the older Hansons walked to their bedroom.

When Ike, Tay and Zac entered their room, they quietly put their instruments away so they wouldn't disturb the kid's peaceful slumber. After that was done, Ike jumped up on Tay's bed to climb to his own. He got out a piece of paper from his music folder and picked up a pen beside it. He lied down on his stomach and started chewing on the end of his black pen while thinking of what to write for a song he had in his head.

Taylor opened up his lab-top computer and decided to surf the net,...including some pages about themselves to see what the fans had to say about 'em.

Zac decided to get ready for bed since his eyes felt like a ton of bricks and he knew he would crash into his trundle bed on the floor at any split second. Today had been another typical day for Hanson. It might seem as if they lived on a totally different planet to their devoted-and obsessed-fans, but deep down inside, Hanson was just like everyone else! One thing they hoped for was that the lucky winners would realize that and that they would become best friends with the winners instead of wondering what would happen if it was a crazed fan!


"There! It's finished! We did it!" Eliza cheered as she ripped the typing paper from the printer. She lifted it high above her head, pretending as if she won a trophy. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, really, thank you!" Eliza babbled as she bowed to imaginery fans and blew kisses. Britt just rolled her eyes and turned off the "Packard Bell."(computer)

"C'mon Liz, I'm pooped! Pipe down so I can get some rest!" Britt said after she yawned and collapsed on her sleeping bag that was on the plush, carpeted floor.

"Sorry!" Eliza whispered as she turned off the cd player and crawled into her bed. She wiggled over to the opposite end with her pillow in her hand so she could face her sleepy friend. When Eliza was in her comfortable position, she and Britt both chatted about summer vacation, boys, and their fav. topic: Hanson!


Excitement in the Hanson boy's room died down as each of them found a relaxing spot in their bunk beds. Zac made sure his 2 brothers were snuggly in their beds and then turned out the light.

"Hey, Ike?" Zac whispered.

"Yeah?" Ike mumbled sleepily.

"I wish that the girls we meet will like us for who we are and not for our famous name!" Zac said as he shifted in his bed to his left side.

"Me too! That's something I would wish for also!" Ike said as he called out "g'night's" to his siblings. Zac and Tay also said their goodnight's and instantly fell asleep. Ike couldn't fall asleep right away, since he was pondering on what his hyper-active brother had said. He silently said a prayer and let his mind wonder on how he would meet the girls on that lucky day.

"I wish that the girl I meet will become my best friend! I also wish that Zac and Tayles will meet a nice girl, too!" He thought as he closed his hazel eyes to welcome the wonderful thought as he closed his hazel eyes to welcome the wonderful dreams he was about to recieve. Little did Zac and Ike know that up above their wishes were heard and they were about to come true! Also, little did they know that along with their wishes coming true, they would recieve many more blessings to make their dreams in life open wide!

