Chapter 24

Ike and Lucy drove downtown to the nearest shopping outlet searching for some good stores. A 'Strawberries' sign got Lucy's eye.

"Hey Ike, can we stop there?" Lucy pointed towards the building.

"Sure why not, let's just hope I don't get mobbed." Lucy smiled. Ike pulled up in front of the building where he saw a good parking space. Ike ran over and opened Lucy's door.

"Your such a sweet heart Ike!" Ike just smiled. He still felt it was mostly his fault what happened between her and Taylor. He didn't want to lose her and he would do anything to keep her.

Lucy and Ike walked into the store and looked around. Whispers and people pointing were the only excitement that happened to Ike, but he didn't even care. He just kept browsing with Lucy. Lucy picked up The 'Spawn' soundtrack and glanced at the songs. Ike made a sickening face.

"Yuck, you are not thinking about getting that? I mean Marilyn Manson is on it!" he said disgustedly

"So? I like Marilyn Manson, he's cool." Ike looked at her and stuck his finger in his mouth pretending to gag. Lucy looked at the price, only $11.99.

"I think I'm gonna get it!" Lucy smiled. Ike just shook his head.

"It's your money."

Lucy walked and waited in line to pay for the CD. Ike walked out to the car. When Lucy got into the car Ike was still shaking his head in disbelievement. Lucy smiled and gazed upon the CD. They drove off to the mall to go clothes shopping.

Taylor sat down in his backyard staring onto the ground. 'She had to of told Ike, but if she did why didn't he hit me or something. I feel so terrible. I need to talk to Lucy and soon.' Taylor looked up and saw Avery walking to over to him. Taylor got up and picked Avery up onto his shoulders.

"Hey Avie, whatcha doing?" he said sweetly. She smiled and pulled his hair.

"Sitting on you. Taylor? Will take me for a walk?" she asked

"Of course, let's go!"

After about a few hours, of getting Lucy the perfect out fit Ike suggested a movie. Lucy agreed and they found themselves arguing about which movie to see.

"But Ike!!!! Please I wanna see George of the Jungle!" wailed Lucy. She gave Ike the saddest puppy dog face she could. Ike looked her and glanced back to the movie listings.

"What about Spawn? You got the album why not see the movie?" Ike gave a slight smirk. Lucy thought for a moment.

"But! It's scary!" She looked at Ike and she couldn't help it she gave in. "Oh all right, but if I claw your arm don't get mad at me" She winked at Ike. Ike smiled and opened the door for her. They walked in and Ike bought the tickets while Lucy waiting in the popcorn line. She bought a small popcorn and waited for Ike to come back. The place was rather empty, but it was noon and most of the kids were supposed to be at school.

"Hey babe, let's go in." Ike said as he handed Lucy her ticket. They walked down the corridor to where the door to Spawn was. The previews had already started. Ike motioned for Lucy to sit near the back away from the few other people that were already in there. Most of them were kids who skipped school. Lucy soon felt Ike's arm on her shoulder. She grinned and moved closer to Ike.

About half way through the movie Lucy realized she really didn't like it. The plot sucked and the special effects looked fake. She decided she wanted to have some fun.... By that time her and Ike were also holding hands. She picked Ike's hand and drew it to her lips. Lucy gently kissed his hand. She felt Ike's slight nervousness. Lucy turned her head to face Ike and looked into his eyes. Ike stroked her face with his fingers and played around with her hair. Lucy smiled and met Ike's lips with hers.

"Mom????" Zac wailed. "Where is everyone???

"Zac Hon, I don't know. I think Ike and Lucy went shopping and Taylor took Avery out for a walk."

"Oh so I'm left behind." Zac frowned and heading back up the stairs. Zac walked back into his room and plopped himself on Taylor's bed. He felt a pain on the back of his neck. "Oww! What the?!" He felt the back of his neck and under the pillow. He pulled out a small book with the word Journal engraved on the cover. Zac grinned deviously. He turned to the first page and realized it was Taylor's journal. He read through it till he got to the last entry.

Dear Journal,

I don't know what to do or think anymore. I kissed Lucy last night, and I don't regret it. I only wish Ike doesn't find out. I feel he would never forgive me. What it he does and he doesn't wanna sing with Zac and I anymore. I think Lucy told Zac. I hope he can keep his mouth shut for once. He's a good kid I guess I shouldn't have yelled at him. What am I going to do about Lucy? I have to talk to her, but when I went over there and her and Ike both looked terrible. She wouldn't have told him, would she? She looked like she was crying. I think someone is coming...

Zac closed the book and stared at it for a moment. Zac got up and decided to go look for Taylor. He walked downstairs and walked out the front door. He looking around and noticed Ike's car was still gone. A figure walking up the street caught his eye. It was Taylor and Avery. Zac ran up to them and picked up Avery.

"Hey Zaccky!" Zac smiled and started to tickle Avery. "Zac!" Avery laughed and squirmed out of his arms and ran into the house. Zac grinned mischievously and looked back onto Taylor. Taylor was shaking his head.

"Jeez Zac, you really now how to chase girls off!" Taylor said, laughing.

"Ha, now that's funny!" Zac replied sarcastically. "Hey Tay, I think we need to talk." Taylor looked onto the sidewalk and started to walk. "What's on your mind?" he said non-chalantly

"Well, I just wanted to tell ya you could talk to me, I mean I do sorta know what's going on." Taylor looked very alarmed and stared at Zac. "What do you mean?" He asked slightly nervous. "Well I talked with Lucy, and she told me. Don't worry I won't tell anybody anything, I just figured you could use someone to talk to." He replied softly.

"Well, Zac that's cool of you, but I think I need to do this on my own. Thanks for the thought though." Taylor smiled and walked down their driveway towards the backyard. Zac bit his lip and watched him go.


Chapter 25