Chapter 3

Zac Hanson, the 11 year old hyperactive cutie, was in his room playing with the humungous "Lego" collection that the trio had built. Isaac walked in the room absent-mindedly as he was devouring a magazine that had some information on them. All over their bedroom wall were pictures of them from magazines and the articles that followed about them, giving the latest scoop on Hanson to readers world-wide.

"I can't believe the look I had on my face!" Ike muttered out loud not knowing that Zac was entertaining himself with the "Legos."

"Where? Let me see!" Zac said as he bounced from his spot to where Ike had just sat down.

"Huh? Where did you come from?" Ike said with a confused look on his face.

"Oh, Ikey-poo, that is a GREAT pic. of ya! I know the girls will go crazy over you now!" Zac said as he stomped his foot on the floor trying to contain himself from having an outburst of laughter. Ike took this as his opportunity to wack Zac in the head with his soft pillow.

"Hey, what was that for?" Zac said as he shoved the pillow away from him and made a strange face at Ike. Ike just stared at Zac and then turned back to the magazine, staring in disbelief at how his face turned out in the picture. Zac was shocked at Ike's reaction and grabbed the pillow slugging Ike over the crown on his head.

"Fine, you wanna play that way? You got it!" Ike laughed as he grabbed his pillow away from Zac and started delivering soft, cushioned blows to Zac's body.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHH,...stop,...noooo!" Zac screamed as he sheltered his face in his arms.

"What's going on here?" Tay said as he stepped into his room after hearing all the commotion.

"PILLOW FIGHT!!" Zac said as he escaped from Ike and grabbed the nearest pillow, throwing it to Tay.

"Alright!" Tay said as he playfully charged at Ike and started to wack him with all of his might! Zac laughed at both of them and they stopped and smiled devilish grins as they turned towards their pillowless prey, cornering him and instead of hitting him with their weapon, Ike held his younger brother as Tay was tickling him to death.


Chapter Four


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